Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Inclusion Service Participant Intake Form

Inclusion Services provides initial facilitation to recreation programming offered by The City of Thunder Bay. This includes use of facilities, services and programs at the Canada Games Complex, 55+ Centre, Community Centre (for city run programs), and Municipal pools and golf courses. Inclusion Services is a free service, however, costs associated with the program must be covered by the participant.



If we need to contact your Guardian/Parent/Support/Spouse/Family Member during program hours and are unable to reach them at the above number, please give the name and phone number of an alternate that we may contact during program hours.

Are friends, family or other individuals currently acting as a support person for you?

Does someone assist you with the following:
If yes, please indicate for each of item how often and what assistance is needed. If no, please indicate with N/A.

Do you use any assistive devices (e.g. wheelchair, hearing aids, etc.)?

Submitting indicates that the information that you provided is complete, correct and current. By submitting you also understand that Inclusion Services will maintain personal information on you while receiving services. This includes statistics, a personal recreation plan, service notes and any relevant consent forms.

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980,c.302 (as amended) and will be used within the programme for emergency contact and program follow-up. Questions regarding this collection should be directed to the Supervisor of Aquatics and Wellness, 420 Winnipeg Avenue, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 6B7, 684-3338.


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