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Speak to City Council

Request to speak to City Council (How to request a deputation)

Would you like to share your thoughts, ideas and views with your City Council?  Please fill out the following form if you would like to request to speak at an upcoming City Council Meeting. Once approved, you will be contacted by the Office of the City Clerk and provided with further information on what to expect when speaking to City Council.

Is this an item scheduled on a current agenda?:

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Have you already been in contact with City staff in regards to the subject matter of your deputation request?

NOTE: This date will be confirmed when you are contacted by the Office of the City Clerk

Please be aware that requests must be made within four (4) business days of the meeting date, Please contact the City Clerk at (807) 625-2230, extension 9 for more information.

About you

Please note that your name and organization information will become part of the public record for the meeting you wish to speak at.

Please indicate how you would prefer to be addressed at the Council meeting:
For example, Mr. Smith, Ms. Smith, Deputant Smith

Please choose
Please indicate how you intend to participate in the meeting.

This information must be received and reviewed by the Office of the City Clerk 4 days before the meeting, please contact the Office of the City Clerk if you have any questions. 

Any collection of personal information is made under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001. Personal information is collected in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

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